Friday, March 9, 2012

I need to have a drill down...

Ok here it is:
this row is always visible:
dealernumber dealername dealerlineageid
+(show a drilldown under each dealernumber if a number in the table
this additional row comes from contains any matching string in their
number with "dealerlineageid" number on the row above them.
In other easier words, hide all rows below each dealer, unless there is
a matching number in the dealerlineageid number in the details row.
TrintInsert a group under the detail row. The detail row should just contain
a cell with value Fields!dealernumber.Value. Insert a group under that,
and group by dealername (and dealerlineageid if you wish). Then, in the
group header (and footer if necessary) rows, put all necessary values.|||It looks like a hide expression on the field containing the string I
need to compair with would be more efficient. But how would the
expression be if if is needing to query the string since the string
contains more than one dealer number, but also has the one I need to
display what I am originally hiding?
Bassist695 wrote:
> Insert a group under the detail row. The detail row should just
> a cell with value Fields!dealernumber.Value. Insert a group under
> and group by dealername (and dealerlineageid if you wish). Then, in
> group header (and footer if necessary) rows, put all necessary

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