Sunday, February 19, 2012

I need help with an insert clause, please help

I am trying to write a complex insert statement and not really sure how to get started.

First I am building an application to a record label to add artist, songs, pictures, video, and music to their site.

Thanks to 2.0 building the application interface was easy, but now I realize I have run into a brick wall and need some help.

in one application, called "add artist album"

in this application, you, the website administrator, are adding information to two different tables (artist (holds all info about the artist), album (holds all the info about artist album))

I have no clue how to really start writing an insert statement for this.

Basically I want to be able to insert the album data (artistid (foreign key), album name and release date) and also have a drop down listbox, which is connected to the database by the sqldatasource connector to allow the administrator to choose an artist from the artist table so that when they add the albem and release date they, the administrator, can choose which artist in the drop down list box to associate with the album and release date data that goes in the album table. That association is made with the artistid because it is a foreign key to the artist table but how do I insert the chosen artistid number into that foreign key field for the album table?

Please can someone point me in the right direction.

I am thinking that the insert statement will be something like and insert with nested select statement and inner join included but i haven't a clue how to do this.

My table DDL

Create table artist (artistid int prmrykey, artistname varchar (100), bio varchar(100))

Create table album (albumid int prmrykey, albumname varchar (100), releasedate date, artistid int foreignkey)

My DML for the insert statement so far:

@.AlbumName varchar(50),
@.ReleasedDate datetime,
@.ArtistID int



(AlbumName, ReleasedDate, ArtistID)

VALUES(@.AlbumName, @.ReleasedDate,selectArtistIDfromtb_ArtistwhereArtistID = (ArtistID from sqldatasource from the drop down listbox) )

Like I said know I am supposed to have a select subquery statement that is nested to really make this thing work but I do not know where to start, can someone please help me.

I hope I have provided enough information.

My expected results are to insert data from into the album table and have that data associated with an artist chosen in the drop down box.

Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALTER PROCEDUREsp_AddArtistAlbum@.AlbumNamevarchar(50),@.ReleasedDatedatetime,@.ArtistIDintASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @.AlbumIDINTINSERT INTO tb_Album(AlbumName, ReleasedDate, ArtistID)VALUES (@.AlbumName, @.ReleasedDate, @.ArtistID)

The ArtistID is the SelectedValue from your DropDownList (althought the Artist Name appears in the dropdown). That's all you need to insert. It's there and available without any additional messing about.

If you look at the logic of your proposed SQL, you will see that it says "I have the ArtistID from the dropdown, Now I want to select the ArtistID from the Artist table that matches the ID I already have". Bit of a nonsense when you analyse it like that...Big Smile

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